From the Pastor's Desk
I know it is August and there is still a lot of summer left, but I am looking forward to October! It is going to be a good month. The Missions Team, and especially the October planning team, have been working hard to prepare for us a great month of focusing on all things ‘mission’. Mark Millman will join us to share about church planting efforts in Wisconsin. We have a representative from the International Mission Board coming to visit all the way from Tennessee. We are working with the Missouri Baptist Convention to begin a partnership with a church in Missouri and GBC. We have heard from a missionary couple in Eastern Asia who desire to connect with us. It will be very good getting to know them and their family. On Saturday, October 28th we will have our very first Missions Banquet. This will be a great event with Brian and Lisa Young, pastor of Faith Evangelical Free Church, coming to join us and tell us of their days as missionaries in Russia. The team is planning on Silent Auction items and packages that will be available to raise money for missions. Put this date on your calendar and get signed up on the list in the foyer. Seating is limited and will fill up quickly. Most importantly, invite a friend or family member, but again, get your name on that list! We are on the downhill side of summer. Enjoy your vacations and holidays. See you Sunday!
Elder Update:
During the GBC third quarter member meeting, the membership elected Jacob Hoy as an elder. We look forward to Jacob’s service as an elder and the life experience he brings to his new role. We want to take the opportunity to express our gratitude to Larry Wolfe for his service to GBC as he steps down from his role as elder. Larry leaves a positive mark on GBC through his years of faithful elder leadership, and we anticipate many more years of sharing in fellowship with Larry and Jeanne at GBC. An Elder Commissioning Service is planned for August 6th when Jacob Hoy and Brian Hoffmann will be officially commissioned as GBC Elders. Please be sure to join us as we recognize their role and pray for their terms as elders.
Building & Grounds:
At the July 9th third quarter member meeting, GBC membership approved the plan for sanctuary updates and playground area changes, using the $25K fund which has been set aside for this purpose.
Mission Team:
The next scheduled Mission Team meeting is September 17th following morning worship service.
Living Stones:
A Fall event to be announced.
Small Groups:
Thursday Morning Small Group will not meet during the month of August. We will resume our regular meetings on September 7th, when we will continue the study of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. Enjoy the rest of your Summer! See you in the Fall.
GBC youth continue their meeting schedule the first two Sundays in August. There will be no event on August 20th and the youth will be involved in the Back-to-School Bash on August 27th.

A Mystery Event was hosted at The Skinner Ranch with plenty of great food and outdoor games on July 23rd.
Coming Events:
Backpack School Supply Drive:
The school supply drive is underway from now until August 18th. There is a collection box in the entryway of GBC, or you may use any of the drop-off points in Sparta:
Community Drop-off Locations at:
- Supplies List: 24 Pack of crayons, 10 count washable markers, 10 classic markers, 8 count Crayola markers, Elmers glue, Jumbo Glue sticks, Watercolor paints (8 color Crayola only), Kleenix, 4 pack Playdough, School size Fiskars scissors, Supply boxes, Binder pencil pouches, Expo Dry Erase markers, Ticonderoga pencils, Wide-ruled spiral notebooks, Large pink erasers, 2-pocket folders, 3X3 Post It notes, Highlighters, 3-inch binders, Sharpies (fine tip and regular tip) Backpacks. Direct any questions to (608) 487-3211.
August 6th: Lord’s Supper and Elder Commissioning Service. Bring a dish-to-pass for lunch.
August 18th: Deadline for dropping off school supplies!
August 27th: Outdoor Worship Service: GBC will hold an outdoor worship service on the church grounds at 9:00 a.m. on August 27th. Invite your neighbors, friends, and families! Bring lawn chairs for your seating comfort. Grills will be set up and food available following morning worship. The Back-to-School Bash will follow. Details coming from announcements each Sunday until the event.
Misc. Information:
If your ministry group has updated information or events coming up in September, please provide updates via email to the church admin at: before August 30th, to be included in the September GBC Newsletter.